Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Weeks 1 and 2: progress and lessons learned

Week one and two have passed quicker than we could have realized. It is hard to believe we have been in our home for two whole weeks! Although it has only been two weeks, I have already learned a LOT – some happy lessons and some a little discouraging.

Lesson One: I am not good at not being settled. We are currently still living out of boxes and do not have one room that is fully setup, although we are getting close.

Lesson Two: Things do not always go as quickly as planned. That’s right, if you know me at all you know that I always have high expectations – of myself, of others and of the way things are going to play out. Sadly, things do not always go as I planned. I definitely underestimated the time and effort that goes into stripping forty six years of wallpaper from a house.

Lesson Three: Take the time to be grateful and appreciate the people in your life who are there for you. This is something I don’t necessarily need to be reminded of, but rather, something I am constantly thankful for. I cannot even begin to describe how lucky Michael and I are to have such wonderful people in our lives. Whether they help us move, build a fence, paint or just give us something to smile about, there are certainly people in our lives who continually shower us with love and support.

Lesson Four: Take a Break. Sometimes I feel like there is so much on my plate that I just can’t rest until the load is more manageable. Not taking a break can certainly lead to exhaustion and can end up affecting relationships, work and overall well-being. This is exactly the reason I jumped at the opportunity to see some of my best friends who I have not seen in awhile. I drove to Eugene (2 hour jaunt) after work and spent a mere 12 hours with these beautiful ladies who never fail to make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts, and make my heart full of happiness and my mind at peace. I feel refreshed (despite the lack of sleep) and ready to take on the rest of the week full of  disorder and home improvements!

Here are some photos of projects we have been taking on and the progress at the Whaley Home:

Home Depot fun

New toys...although this one came with a GIANT hassle 

First day working on the fence

Wallpaper removing is better with friends

Moving day one 
Summer thought our house was a Jungle Gym

I handed down one of my favorite presents from when I was a little girl

Sweetest face around

Couch forts!

Moving Day 2

Plumb tree break

Summer is helping the big tall guy with the fence

Gage family photo <3 td="">

Our friend Chris making some progress on the fence


Miniature pinecones

The building of this fence has been a family affiar

Mike's dad, my brother, Mike and my Dad

Mom is painting away. Somehow she can do it much faster and better than I can.

Sampson and Ollie have to be tied up until we can get this fence done! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Progress: week one

I have not been able to post an update because unfortunately, like most things in this house, the internet won't work. We are waiting for a technician to come out this weekend and get it set up for us.

We are finding that during the work week it is very hard to get a lot accomplished. We have both had errands to run and then we walk our dogs. By the time this is done we just want to veg and cuddle with the boys.

Last night Michael put together our picnic table and we got to eat our second meal in the house while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Apparently I can't quite figure out how to do this how I want to on my phone. Next time I will post photos of all the progress we have made and all the visitors we have had.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Little Helpers

This week is my first week back to work before the students arrive on Monday. As you can imagine a week of meetings and planning does not make it easy to spend a lot of time in the new (to us) house. So far, I have managed to make it over there every day after work to remove at least a little wallpaper.

People warned me how horrible removing wallpaper can be, and I can honestly say they were wrong. It's WORSE!!! I feel like I have worked on it for hours and have seen little progress. I am trying very hard to get our master bedroom ready and painted before we move on Saturday afternoon and so far it is not looking promising.

On a positive note, I got a visit from my two favorite kids in the middle of my depressing wallpaper endeavor. Perfect way to cheer me up! They were such great helpers.

Great helper!

Mommy and Summer

She's an expert

How could you be in a bad mood around this guy?

He tried to eat some <3 td="">

She always goes for the dog beds or dog kennels


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Doggy Diggs

On Tuesday we decided to take the dogs over to the new house to get acquainted. I have been researching ways to make moves easier on animals, here is what I found:

  • Bring them to the house ahead of time to check it out
  • Make their dog beds and toys the FIRST thing to go in the house so they have a safe cozy place to go to
Sampson especially got so stressed out when he saw us packing at the old house. For a week straight, he basically lived in his kennel. Because I do not want him to feel that way again, we will be leaving him at my parents' during the BIG MOVE. 

When we pulled up to the new house, the dogs definitely looked anxious. They were ready to explore. They went straight into the basement and I was a little surprised by their reactions. They both had their tails between their legs and were cautiously searching through each and every room. Of course, Oliver stayed close by his big brother - just in case. It was funny because they would peek into a room, and quickly back up.

Eventually, after searching every room (even behind the doors), every toilet, closet and shower - they determined it to be safe. They went back down stairs and started their search again, but this time - with wagging tails.

Sampson longing to go enjoy that beautiful yard (no fence yet)

Oliver apparently made himself at home - by jumping on the kitchen counter???

He saw his Dad at the bar and needed some lovin'

Mike showing Sampson his new room

He is not a fan of the sound wallpaper makes when being ripped from the wall

Trying to escape the deck

Best friends <3 br="">

Picture quality is not the best. Like most of my belongings - I do not know where my camera is for the time being. More fun projects to wallpaper removing, fence building and lawn mower buying!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Home is Where the Heart is

Over the last few weeks,  Mike and I have been going through the grueling  process of purchasing our (hopefully) forever home. During the search he was looking for land and I was looking for a beautiful new house with nice finishes. I will let you decide who won this battle.

When I first walked into this house - probably about three months ago. I was far from ecstatic. In fact, my mom and I almost refused to go in. While it was in a great neighborhood and the area we wanted, we could tell the house was outdated. After moping in the house and up the stairs, I started to get this feeling. While it may sound a little corny, I began to look past the dated wall paper and feel the happiness that filled the house. We then proceeded to walk out onto the deck. After standing there for a few moments, my mom and I looked at each other - both getting this overwhelming feeling of...rightness? Something felt right.

After leaving the house that day, we continued on our journey to find the "perfect home" only to end up right where we started. After a little back and forth and a lot of waiting, we finally received the keys to our new home!

While making this home ours will be a lot of work, it will also be a once in a lifetime (I hope) adventure.

Let the wild rumpus start!

Just for good luck, we had to start removing wallpaper! Clearly, my husband is a pro at this...and very animated.

 His friend Chris has to take part in all of the fun, he doesn't look so sure.

My beautiful mom enjoying the delicious plums from our trees. If anyone has any recipes involving plums, please share. I have them coming out of my ears!
